Hello, here's a website I made

I did a bit of strategic thinking and research, then made some designs and coded it all by myself. As you read on you'll see; I'm a digital generalist

Billy Maddocks strategist and lead product manager

This is my face. I put this here to create empathy, see I'm a real person behind the digital facade, corporate speak and technical jargon

I'm Billy

When I'm at work, I help people to create successful digital products & businesses.

I've been working in digital for 20 years - actually more - but this way I don't have to update the number on my webiste all the time

I have a passion for creating digital products that people love, and I'm good at it. I have practical and leadership level experience in strategy, research, product management, design, and development.

I have this website to explain my approach to digital product development, and to show you some of the companies I've worked with

Some of the companies I've worked with

Company logos can be a helpful shortcut to trusting someones ability to do the job. Please take the time to read more about me if you can.

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